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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

Early Years Pupil Premium

Early Years Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly-funded schools in England to help narrow the gap between children from advantaged and disadvantaged backgrounds. It is allocated to children who would be eligible for free school meals if they were in primary or secondary school.

The Church Hill and Low Hall children who are entitled to EYPP face barriers to their education and development due to restricted parental resources, such as lack of opportunities to go on outings, or experience of arts and crafts using specialist materials which are not available at home. Some children have restricted space to play at home, so the space afforded by Church Hill and Low Hall in itself presents an opportunity.

Maintained nursery schools are not required to report on EYPP spend online, however we do report this to Governors, and this is detailed in the minutes of governing body meetings.