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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

What's your ideal childcare for 2-year-olds?

Government funding for the 2-year-olds of eligible families is increasing in September, from 15 hours a week in term-time to 30 hours.

Your child is on our waiting list, so we are asking you to fill out this survey to find out what childcare you are hoping for from us. We will use what you tell us to work out how we offer the increased hours.

Please complete the survey by 28th October 2024.

After 28th October we will decide what changes we need to make to what we offer.

We may not offer exactly what you want, but we aim to suit as many families as possible.

Choosing a provider

3. When do you wish your child to start nursery school?
2. Which nursery school site are you interested in?
3. When choosing a childcare provider, what is most important to you? Choose up to 3

What is your ideal childcare?

Please tell us your ideal hours and days by selecting all the sessions you would like.

You must include either a Monday or a Friday.

1. Which days do you want?*
2. Which hours do you want? Tick all the sessions you want. If you select mornings and afternoons, we will assume that your child will stay for lunch.*
3. How many weeks do you want?*
5. If we could provide your ideal hours, would we be your only childcare provider?*

Your situation

1. Why do you need childcare?

Your details

Tick here if you would like to be contacted with the results of our consultation

By submitting this form you are agreeing to the Forest Alliance of Nursery Schools using the information you have provided in accordance with our Privacy Notice.