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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School
  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

How we keep children safe

The safety and wellbeing of all our children is of utmost importance to Church Hill and Low Hall Nursery Schools.

All staff, governors, parents, carers, contractors, volunteers and visitors have an active role to play in protecting our pupils from harm.

On this page:

  1. What we do to keep children safe
  2. Our practice
  3. How all visitors can help
  4. What we do if we have a concern about a child
  5. What to do if you have a concern about a child

What we do to keep children safe

Recruitment and training

  • We only employ staff or recruit volunteers once we have made thorough checks that they are suitable to work with children.
  • Regular safeguarding training makes sure that staff know how to recognise and how to raise any concerns about children, other staff members, students or volunteers, or about working practices.
  • We display photos of the staff who have lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection.
  • All staff have regular paediatric first aid and food hygiene training. We display photos of the staff who have extended First Aid training.  All staff have food hygiene training, we update this regularly for those who are cooking hot food or recording temperatures, as hygiene certificates do not run out but good practice advices refresher training in accordance with the Food Standard Agency requirements.

Sharing what we do

  • All visitors are given a Safeguarding leaflet when they sign in to the building. This explains what we do and what they can do to keep children safe in our schools. If staff are arranging for someone to visit, they invite the visitor or contractor to read these leaflets on the Visitors page of this website. New parents are given a copy as part of their induction. We ask people to tell us if they find that our practice does not match what we say we do.
  • All students and volunteers have an induction which explains our safeguarding procedure, code of conduct and health and safety procedures. They are observed and mentored by experienced staff.
  • If there have been safeguarding concerns recorded, and social worker involvement records of this are shared with new settings that children attend within 5 days of the child moving schools inline with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE).

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Our practice

  • Our approach to behaviour management, which encourages children to speak up and expect to be heard, is a major part of our safeguarding activity. Children are encouraged always to ‘tell’ if someone hurts or is mean to them.
  • There is an under-reporting of Child Protection (CP) for children with disabilities – we are aware that these children may not be able to tell us.
  • If children tell us information that needs to be shared to keep them safe, we tell them this.
  • When a child on the CP register moves school, their records are sent by the DSL to the child’s new school under confidential cover via a password protected file from My Concern.
  • We use ‘egress switch’ to send digital information securely outside the London Grid for Learning.
  • We keep a folder of low level concerns about staff as in line with KCSIE. Our safeguarding governor checks this folder during their termly visit as well as the Single Central Record and the online safety filters.

The children

  • We keep a record of any accidents or injuries sustained in the schools. Any injuries noticed by staff or volunteers when the children arrive or during the course of the session which have not occurred in session, will be recorded and discussed with the child’s parent/carer by a staff member, as will any change in a child’s behaviour.  Any regular patterns of injury will be recorded on My Concern and shared with other agencies if necessary.
  • We keep a record of other concerns about children via My Concern.  All staff that work directly with children have access to this portal. We store paper work for CIN or CP children on this portal so it can be easily transferred to their new school when they leave.
  • If children disclose an allegation about staff to us the DSL reports this immediately to the LADO before investigating the matter.  All advice is recorded and a report from the LADO is stored in My Concern.  These concerns are also shared with our safeguarding governor as they are happening, with the outcome of the investigation shared after the closure. 
  • Nappy changing is monitored closely. Children are never changed in totally enclosed private areas. Nappies and clothes are only changed by members of staff.
  • Children always have access to drinking water.
  • In hot weather, we ask daycare families to send in sun cream if a child has allergies or ask permission to use a nursery cream which we help the children to apply. We text part-time families, asking them to apply cream before they come in.  We make children wear hats during hot days when they are playing outside.

The premises

  • All visitors sign in and sign out so that we know exactly who is on the premises and why.
  • A daily check of the premises helps keep everyone safe from clear hazards; regular thorough checks of equipment including electrical equipment tell us when we need to fix things that aren’t obviously broken.
  • We test our Fire Alarms regularly, and we hold fire drills at least termly.


  • Staff, students and volunteers may only use mobile phones in the staff room when they are on a break.
  • We use CCTV to record our reception areas.
  • We take children’s photos only with their agreement and with the written consent of their parents or carers.
  • Children can only access the internet for short amounts of time, with adults present and through a filter that blocks unsafe sites.
  • Our School business manager works with Sean McLean to carry out regular checks on our schools’ internet filters.  This is reported to our safeguarding governor during their termly walk.

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How all visitors can help

All visitors are given a leaflet when they sign in which we ask them to read. This leaflet sets out:

  • what to do on arrival, while in school and when they leave
  • what they should do if they have a concern
  • how to keep safe and comfortable while in school
  • what to do in emergency

There are different leaflets for each school, and you can read them on our page of information for visitors.

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What we do if we have a concern about a child

We believe that a concern is not an accusation. If we have a concern about a child, this is what we do (child protection)

  1. Talk to you (if the child is yours)
  2. In some cases we will ask for advice from the MASH team (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub)
  3. We record the concern on My Concern (in place from November 2020)
  4. We follow up concerns later on to ensure that any support that has been given has had the hoped-for effect

We only share this information with staff who work directly with the child.

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What to do if you have a concern about a child

If the concern is about your child:

  • talk to your key person.

If it is about another child:

  • discuss the matter with Designated Safeguarding Lead, Helen Currie (Executive Headteacher), or

at Church Hill:

  • talk to a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader: Pat English or Lindsay Read (in term time), Rockena Muirhead (2-year-olds) or Sarah Davies (at After School Club or in Playscheme)

at Low Hall:

  • talk to a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader: Nalinee Sabaroche or Lindsay Read (in term time), Uzma Hanif (at After School Club), Sarah Davies (during Playscheme)

If your concern is about a member of staff, a student or a volunteer:

  • talk to Helen Currie

If your concern is about a Senior Teacher:

  • talk to Helen Currie

If your concern is about the Executive Headteacher:

  • talk to Abrar Malik, Chair of Governors

Helen Currie or Abrar Malik will then follow this discussion up with the LADO for advice

If your concern is about the Chair of Governors:

  • call 020 8496 3206 to talk to the Divisional Director of Children and Families at LBWF.

If you can't find who you are looking for:

  • There are photos of all staff in the lobby of each school. If you can't find the right person, call and make an appointment: 020 8520 4919 (Church Hill), 020 8520 1689 (Low Hall).

If it is outside of nursery hours:

If school is closed and you feel that a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police on 999 and ask for immediate assistance. You can also call 101 at any time.

If the risk is less immediate and school is closed, call the MASH team on 020 8496 2317.

If you have a concern about an adult working with children in Waltham Forest you could alternatively:

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