The government policies and advice we follow
There is a range of statutory and government guidance that we comply with to ensure that we operate in a safe and efficient manner:
Our curriculum
Document name and link | Purpose and what we do |
This underpins the education we provide (set out in our Teaching and Learning Policy). | |
Promoting fundamental British values as part of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education (SMSC) in schools | One area covered by the EYFS is the promotion of children's spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development. Our principles or values were developed in line with this non-statutory advice. |
Revised Prevent Duty Guidance | Our Behaviour Policy, Getting Along Together, our Equality and Inclusion Policy, Different But Equal and our Teaching and Learning Policy set out how we do this in line with this statutory guidance. |
Keeping Children Safe
name | purpose | what we do |
The Government's core safeguarding and child protection information. Updated once a year. |
All staff read part 1. School leaders also read Annex C (DSL role) and Part 4 (managing concerns/allegations about staff, volunteers and others) Governors with specific responsibilities read sections that relate directly to their roles, for example those who participate in recruitment read Part 3. |
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 | A guide to multi-agency working to help, protect, and promote the welfare of children. | All staff read as part of their induction |
What to do if you're worried a child is being abused 2015 | Advice for practitioners. | All staff read as part of their induction |
Encouraging good nutrition
Document name and link | Purpose | What we do |
Nutrition Matters in Early Years |
Nutritional advice from Public Health England |
Our Food Policy and practice is in line with this advice. |