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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School
  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

Getting along together

We expect everyone in our schools to live up to our values. We challenge anyone who doesn’t. Please tell us if you see behaviour that doesn’t match our values.

We all work together to get the best for all our children. We want every child to feel safe and secure. This way, they can play, learn and get along with others. We want them to enjoy their first taste of school life. We want them to feel proud of what they can achieve. This means:

  • Everyone treats everyone with kindness and respect.
  • We listen to each other, and do our best to understand.
  • We get down to children’s eye level to listen and to talk.
  • We give children time to share their feelings, thoughts and ideas.
  • Adults model the behaviour we want from children.
  • We do our very best to meet each child’s needs.
  • Sometimes children have trouble with each other. We ask them to say ‘We’ve got a problem. Let’s find a solution’. This is language we use in all our learning. Sometimes it doesn’t work. Perhaps they can’t manage it yet. Perhaps one child might just carry on. When this happens, we ask children to tell an adult. We tell them not to deal with it themselves.
  • Families are our partners in the care of their child.
  • We expect our children to come to nursery every day and to arrive on time. This supports their learning routines and helps them build relationships.
  • Sometimes a child has a pattern of concerning behaviour. When this happens, their Key Person talks to their parents. They also talk to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator.
  • We celebrate how we are different and how we are the same. We teach children to be tolerant.
  • We work together to protect the world we live in. We teach children to be caring and thoughtful.

This written statement of our behaviour principles is approved by the Children's Learning and Development Committee of our Governing Body and reviewed by them every Summer Term.

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