Help keep children safe
The safety and wellbeing of all our children is of utmost importance, and everyone has an active role to play. You can read our full Safeguarding Policy on our policies page. This page tells you what you can do:
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- Do these at home
- When you arrive
- While you are in school
- When you leave the building
- At any time
- What we do if we have a concern about a child
- How to find us
- What you can do if you have a concern about a child
- What to do if an emergency happens in school: fire, accident/illness or critical incident
- Where the toilets and nappy change are
Do these at home
Learn the NSPCC pants rules together with your child.
Start teaching them about online safety. Read the online book, Hanni and the Magic Window together.
When you arrive:
- Sign in, collect and wear a badge. Say if you will need help to leave safely if an emergency happens.
- Put away your mobile phone and take off any headphones. Don’t make calls, take photos or videos on nursery school premises. If you need to make a call, ask a teacher.
- If you sneeze, ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’. Use the tissues and bins we offer.
- Look where the fire exits and the fire assembly point are. Do this as you go through the building.
- Don't come more than 5 minutes early for a session.
While you are in school:
- Move calmly through the school.
- Don’t eat, drink or chew gum.
- Close the gates and the doors after yourself.
- Tell us if you have an accident.
When you leave the building:
- Sign out and hand in your badge.
At any time:
- Tell us who can pick up your child every day and in special circumstances. We won’t send a child home with someone we don't know. We will not send them home with someone who is unfit through drugs or alcohol.
- Tell us straight away if any of your contact details change. This includes phone numbers, or your emergency phone numbers.
- Discuss your child often with their Key Person. Talk about what their needs are and how we can meet them. This includes medical needs, allergies or any special requirements. We will ask for a doctor’s letter to confirm allergies.
- If your child has to take medicine during nursery hours, tell us the details. You must fill out a form called ‘Parental Agreement to Administer Medicines’. You can get this form from the office. We can only give a child medicine if 1) a doctor has prescribed it and 2) a chemist has labelled it with the child’s name.
If we have a concern about a child:
We believe that a concern is not an accusation. If we have a concern about a child, this is what we do. This is 'child protection':
- Talk to you (if the child is yours).
- In some cases we will ask for advice from the Multi Agency Safeguarding team. They are know as the 'MASH' team.
- We record the concern.
- We follow up concerns later. This is to make sure that any support has had an effect.
- We only share this information with staff who work directly with the child.
How to find us:
There are photos of all staff on the way in. If you can’t find someone, call the school and make an appointment.
If you have a concern about a child:
If the concern is about your child, talk to their key person.
If the concern is about another child, discuss it with Designated Safeguarding and Online Safeguarding Lead, Helen Currie (Executive Headteacher), or with a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
- Pat English (term-time at Church Hill)
- Nalinee Sabaroche (term-time at Low Hall)
- Lindsay Read (in term time)
- Sarah Davies (Playscheme).
If your concern is about a member of staff, a student or a volunteer, talk to Helen Currie or Assistant Headteacher Lindsay Read.
If your concern is about the Assistant Headteacher, talk to Helen Currie.
If your concern is about the Executive Headteacher, talk to Chair of Governors, Abrar Malik, or Safeguarding Link Governor, Mark Brown.
If your concern is about the Chair of Governors, call 020 8496 3206 to talk to the Divisional Director of Children and Families at LBWF.
If school is closed and you feel that a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police on 999 and ask for immediate assistance.
You can also call 101 at any time.
If the risk is less immediate and school is closed,
call the MASH team on
020 8496 2317.
What to do in an emergency in school:
Fire at Church Hil:
- Leave the building calmly and promptly by following the green FIRE EXIT signs.
- Go to the gate at the back left hand side of the garden. This gate leads into the Walthamstow School for Girls car park.
- A member of staff will call out the register. Answer clearly when you hear your name.
- Do not go back into the building. A member of staff will tell you when it is safe to do so.
Fire at Low Hall:
- Leave the building calmly and promptly by following the green FIRE EXIT signs.
- Assemble on the long entrance path.
- A member of staff will call out the register. Answer clearly when you hear your name.
- Do not go back into the building. A member of staff will tell you when it is safe to do so.
Accident or illness:
- If you have an accident or feel unwell, ask for First Aid. All nursery staff have First Aid training.
- When you are well enough, please report to the school office. We may ask you to fill out a form.
Critical incident:
- If a sudden threat happens, staff will say calmly ‘We are in Lockdown.’
- Go into the nursery building quickly and calmly.
- Help staff to close and lock windows and doors. Follow staff instructions and move to a position away from sightlines from windows/doors.
- Staff will knock on the door of ‘engaged’ toilets if a critical incident happens. If you are inside you should come out and go to the main nursery.
- Help staff to keep the children calm.
- Do not use your mobile phone. If we need you to make a call, a senior member of staff present will ask.
- Stay calm and quiet until the senior member of staff signals the ‘all clear’.
Toilets and nappy change:
- At Church Hill: in the lobby. There is a nappy change area in the accessible adults’ toilet.
- At Low Hall: in the main nursery area.