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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

Students and work experience

We accept school students on work placements if and when we have the capacity to do so.

Students seeking work experience:

At least 2 months ahead of your proposed placement date, please write to us (see contact us), including:

  • Why you are interested in doing a placement here.
  • If you are studying, the name of your course and the qualification you are working towards, the details of your school or college, including link person details (form teacher or subject tutor)
  • If you would like to volunteer, the skills and experience you would like to share or improve.
  • The dates and times you are looking for work experience.

What we offer

Students will be given an induction, including safeguarding, data protection, work and behaviour expectations and health and safety. All students have a supervisor, who monitors work, discusses progress with their school/college tutor and is available to discuss anything which is relevant to your experience in our schools. We have high expectations of our students, and hope that they find time with us rewarding.

Before you start

Please click on the name of the school or download below our Student and Volunteer Handbook:

It has lots of information to help your time with us be more fruitful for you, for us and for the children.

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