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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

Getting along together

We expect all the people who spend time in our schools to uphold our values and five principles for outstanding practice and ethical behaviour. We challenge anyone who doesn’t, and we expect people to tell us if they experience any behaviour that does not fit in with our values.

We know it is important to work together to get the best for all our children. We want every child to have the opportunity to play, learn and get along with others in a safe and secure environment. We want them to enjoy their first experiences of school life and feel proud of what they can achieve. We expect our children to come to nursery every day and be on time to support their learning routines and develop relationships. To do this we make sure:

  • Adults and children are treated with kindness and respect.
  • We do our best to listen to one another.
  • We get down to children’s eye level to talk to and listen to them.
  • We make time for children to communicate their ideas and thoughts and express their feelings and views.
  • We do our best to understand one another.
  • Adults behave how we want children to behave.
  • If a child is behaving differently, we use the language we use throughout our learning and say ‘We’ve got a problem, let’s find a solution’ as an initial strategy. If this doesn’t work, if this something they can’t yet manage, or if the other child carries on, we encourage children to tell an adult and not to deal with it themselves.
  • We work in partnership with parents to understand the needs of each child.
  • We discuss regular patterns of concerning behaviour with parents through the child’s Key Person, and with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator.
  • We work to the best of our ability to meet each child’s needs.
  • We celebrate our differences and teach children to be tolerant.
  • We work together to protect our environment and the natural world and we teach children to be caring and considerate.

This written statement of our behaviour principles is approved by the Children's Learning and Development Committee of our Governing Body and reviewed by them every Summer Term.