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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

Who gets a place and what happens next

1. We work out who still wants a  place

First, we email everyone on our waiting list. We ask if you still want a place, and what hours you want. We do this in Spring, ready for a September start. Answer this email by the deadline set. Straight after this deadline we work out who gets a place.

Please add to your contacts. Check your junk mail if you haven't heard soon after Easter.

2. We work out who to offer a place to

We have a fixed number of children we can fit in for lunch. This limits how many Daycare/30 hour places we can have.

When we do not have room for all the children on the waiting list, we give places in this order:

  1. Looked After Children, or Previously Looked After Children.
  2. Families who get the Local Authority funding for 2-year-olds.
  3. Families who get the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
  4. Families who get the government funding for eligible working families for 2 and 3-year-olds.
  5. Children who started our school as 2-year-olds and have turned three.
  6. Medical or social reasons, or children ‘at risk’. Families must meet with the SENDco before we can offer a place for these reasons. If a child needs significant support, we may only offer them a 15-hour place. This is so we can offer them a high standard of support. The school SENDco decides how many hours we can offer.
  7. Sisters and brothers of current or former pupils.
  8. Children with a parent who works at a state-funded school within half a mile of each school. These schools are:
    For Church Hill: Church Hill, Walthamstow School for Girls and Emmanuel Community School (Church Hill).
    For Low Hall: Edinburgh Primary School, Mission Grove Primary School (both sites), South Grove Primary School, Barn Croft Primary School, St Saviours C of E Primary School, Coppermill Primary School, Thomas Gamuel Primary School, Stoneydown Park Primary School, Willowfield School and Kelmscott School
  9. Distance: children who live closest to the school.
  10. Children who are not attending another early years setting.

Once we have worked this out, we email you with an offer. Please email us to say if you want the place as soon as possible.

Talk to us if you have a question about how we do this. Follow our Listening to learn process. We want to be fair, and to get better when we have the chance.

Forms to fill in

After you tell us you want the place, we email you again. We ask you to fill in 2 forms:

  • The All about me form. We send this as an attachment. You fill it in and email it back to us and your key person. If you can’t do this, print it out and drop it off in school. If you can't print it out, ask us for a paper copy.
  • The Family information form. This is an online form. We ask for things like your GP name and address and emergency contact details. We ask for your permission for some things.

We also email you an invitation to join Class Dojo. Class Dojo is a secure online classroom. We use it to share stories, information, and photos from our school day.

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