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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School
  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

News from Church Hill

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  • 06/09/16

    Welcome to the School Year

    Welcome to the new school year. We look forward to seeing aqain those children who started last year, and to meeting those who are about to start.
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  • 06/09/16

    School fund

    We ask for a weekly £1 contribution to our School Fund. We use this money to buy snacks, ingredients for the children's cooking, and "extras". The School Fund list and collection box are on the Reception Counter. Please tick off your child's name when you have made your weekly contributio...
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  • 11/07/16

    Children’s Centres become Children and Family Centres

    From July 1st, Children's Centres in Waltham Forest have become Children and Family Centres. The staff who were based at our Church Hill, Queen's Road, Barclay, Woodside and Walthamstow Cricket Club sites have almost all moved on to new jobs, and Church Hill no longer manages them.
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  • 25/01/16

    Tell us!

    We like to know what you and your child think of Church Hill so that we can learn. One way you can do this is to log on to Ofsted's site, Parent View. Once you have registered there are some simple questions for you to answer.
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  • 12/10/15

    We need trousers

    Please return any trousers you have borrowed to the nursery, or donate any children's trousers you have to spare. Pull-ups are particularly welcome.
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  • 07/09/15

    Ship launched at Church Hill

    Our new ship climbing frame is here and ready for play.
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  • 22/06/15

    We raised more than £1,100 at our Summer Fair

    Thank you very much to everyone who helped us make our Summer Fair a huge success. You donated gifts, prizes and cakes, you bought raffle tickets and gave your time to wrap presents. You ran stalls on the day, and you came along and -- we hope -- had lots of fun. A great community effort!
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  • 02/06/15

    Children's Centre Newsletter

    Our latest Children's Centre newsletter includes ideas for places to go and things to do, concrete advice about first aid, as well as different ways in which your Children's Centre can help you.  
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  • 02/06/15

    Breastfeeding support: revised timetable

    Please click below to download the new leaflet explaining where to get support with breastfeeding.
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  • 20/05/15

    New Citizens Advice Bureau

    The Citizens Advice Bureau has just opened a new office for people with appointments at 222 Hoe Street.
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  • 20/05/15

    Where to get your baby weighed

    The Comely Bank Baby Clinic has been closed temporarily by the Fire Brigade because people took their baby buggies upstairs and made it dangerous. Click on the link below to see the list of other clinics you can go to.
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  • 26/03/15

    Free music for your toddler!

    FREE music sessions for you and your toddler delivered by Caroline Morris (Early Years Music Specialist from Redbridge Music Service´s Mini Musicians)
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