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  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School
  • Church Hill Nursery School
  • Low Hall Nursery School

Barncroft pick up waiting list form

We hope to pick up children from Barncroft Primary. We will bring them by 'walking bus' to our Tea Time Club. If you would like to book this for your child, please add your name to our waiting list by filling in this form. We contact the people on our list when spaces become available.

What is your child's school year?*
Which days would you like?*
What year is your second child in?
Which days would you like for your second child?

Submitting this form means you agree that the Forest Alliance of Nursery Schools can use the information you have provided in accordance with our Privacy Notice. The key uses are:

  1. we shall add your child to our Low Hall Tea-time Club waiting list

  2. we shall contact you about your application

  3. we shall send you information about the school.

You can ask us to delete your information at any point. There are 3 ways to do this:

  • email

  • call Low Hall: 020 8520 1689

  • come in to either school office.

Please let us know straight away if anything you have told us changes. This will help us correct our system.